Tuesday, February 23, 2010

je suis un blog :D

I've no idea why I'm posting atm, guess I've got nothing better to do. For starters,it's one AM and I have Uni tomorro... well let's face it, in about seven hours pretty much. Meaning I have to wake up in 5 hours and I haven't even gone to bed :P

I'm not really doing anything, pretty much walking cross (hypothetically, of course) the vast internet. And then I thought, oh snap, I haven't updated my blog. So I give thee, a very warm welcome to the not-so-mighty-nor-fiery-land-of-not-doom-land Land. (refer to the blog banner for more info)

A lot has been going on actually, but I'll stick with whatever I think's relevant. I'm pretty sure most of it won't even be slightly important or even interesting to most of you (if I can call close to zero as most), but here goes anyway.

Pretty much the pugu and the lolo project died, went to hell, returned and then died again, as usual. I so hate my zombie projects. Don't have much time on my hands, and I don't really feel like working on it anymore. It kinda feels like i've lost my touch, I used to really really love what I did and nowadays I can't even be bothered. Altough I can assure you I still love it, I just can't find the motivation to do it (even though I could as well get paid for doing something I love), but alas, such is life. I guess most of it came from when I used to teach animation, and since I saw it as a real job I kind of stopped doing it. But I'm pretty sure I'm talking nothing but pure nonsense right now.

I've also been learning french (going a little offtopic, but then again who cares) a little, and practicing with my friend from "El humo en la cueva" (Max) :) He tends to be a bit of a jackass most of the time, though (in the good way, you know I love you) (¬).

Life's good, in general. 'Course if we get into specific little details I could rant on and on about it's many many flaws, but I'm not one to rant (yeah, right).

Guess I'll try to be more constant with the blog; Given that the website has miserably died :(

Dear dfblaze.com slash .net, may your soul find eternal rest.

And just for kicks, I just found the bestest t-shirt EVER. :D

I'm so getting one :P Anyway, this is the end for now. I guess I'll post something later when I have a REAL post to make, hehe.

I bid thee farewell, please close the door on your way out and don't step on the grass.


^^ Alec said...

"Favor de no pizar el césped olográfico"

Guess i like the positivism [again] xD :P now time to sleep :B

holamax said...

y era "favor no pizar el césped holográfico virtual, gracias" xD...

"favor no fumar la grama". yeah!..

Et salut diego xD, "mon ami qui aprendre français" haha.. bonne diego. Génial t-shirt (oui, t-shirt en français est t-shirt ._. haha). On aime domokun BABA.